Ka taea te whiu i roto i te mate i patua te parahi, ka mate te rino i te rino, te rauemi konutai ranei. Ko te nuinga o te ao, ko te titi a-Rowitary i hangaia he papatahi 2D me nga tapahi o roto, kaore ranei he tapahi-a-roto. Ko te waitohu hurihuri ake, ko te whakakotahi ranei me nga haki whenua. E waatea ana te nickel me te koura koura. Filled with navy blue enamel, colors can be imitation hard enamel, also can be soft enamel, thin epoxy can be covered on top if color if you'd like. We also have luxury look badge which filled with glitter enamel, Czech and Swarovski stone can be added in to the badge to make a high-end product. Ka taea e te Fititings i runga i te tuara te whao whanui me te timoti, te titi haumaru, te ngira roa me te potae me te peni. He maha ano hoki o maatau nga whiringa kohi penei i te putea poikiri takitahi, kaari pepa hokohoko, potae pepa, pouaka kirihou, pouaka pouaka, me nga pouaka pouaka, me te pouaka pouaka
Kei te hiahia koe ki te whiwhi i to tangata akePine pini huriti? Tena koa koa ki te whakapā atu ki a maatausales@sjjgifts.com.
Te kounga tuatahi, ka tau te haumaru